Software Makes 'em Work!
Our computer consulting company specializes in Visual Basic, Access, Excel, Microsoft Office and HTML. Put some real management tools to work and stop using your abacus.
<!--...--> | This tag allows you to place comments in the code. |
<A>...</A> | The anchor tag hold a link to another location within the same page or to another Web site |
<ADDRESS>...</ADDRESS> | The address tag formats a mailing address. |
ALIGN=[...] | Align is an attribute that can format text (using LEFT, RIGHT, JUSTIFY, CENTER, or an image (using TOP, MIDDLE, and BOTTOM). |
ALINK="#RRGGBB"> | This attribute defines the color of the active link. |
ALL | All is a variable used in the Clear attribute. Clear formats text to appear on the left, right, or below a line break. |
<AU>...</AU> | Au identifys the author of the document. |
<B>...</B> | The B tag makes text bold |
Background="mybackground.jpg | Background is an attribute of the <BODY> tag. It tiles the selected file behind all other text and graphics |
<BANNER>...</BANNER> | The Banner tag renders the Banner graphic unmovable while the user scrolls the remainder of the page. |
<BASEFONT SIZE=...> | This tag allows you to establish or re-establish the default font size for all the text that follows. After Basefont is established you use +1 or -1 |
<BASE HREF=...> | Takes you to the home page. |
<BASE TARGET=...> | Netscape allows you to name windows and open them. Windows are named in the header. You can specify a default window to be opened instead of other named windows should the second window not be named and a Target window be called a hyperlink. |
BGCOLOR=# ... | This sets the background color. You can use texed based color names: RED, BLUE, GREEN, PINK. You can also set it using hexadecimal numbers. |
BGPROPERTIES="..." | The BGPROPERTIES tag is used within the <BODY> tags it makes an image that does not scroll and appears on a solid background color. This image is like a watermark. |
<BGSOUND=...> | The BGSOUND tag is a way to play a sound when a webpage is opened. The sound can be looped from 2 to infinete. |
<BIG>...</BIG> | Raises the font size by one in a group of text. |
<Blink>...</Blink> | Makes text blink. Netscape only. |
<BLOCKQUOTE>...<BLOCKQUOTE> | Indents specified text on both sides. |
<BODY>...</BODY> | The Body of a document is where all the text, images, and formatting are. |
BORDER=... | Draws a border around an image or table. You can change the color or width. |
<BQ>...</BQ> | Is the same as BLOCKQUOTE. |
<BR> | Put this tag where you want a line break. |
<CAPTION>...<CAPTION> | This tag puts a header before the rows and columns of a table. <caption> must be used within the <table> tags. Captions can be aligned to top(defult) or bottom of the text line. |
CELLPADDING=... | Sets the thikness of a cell wall in a frame. |
CELLSPACING=... | Cellspacing is an attribute of tables. It directs the browser to display specified number of blank spaces between the cell borders and the content of the cell. |
<CENTER>...</CENTER> | Center text. |
CHECKED | This sets the default setting of a check box or radio button to checked by default. |
...=CIRCLE | Sets the shape of a clickable part of an image to the shape of a circle. This is a attribute of the AREA SHAPE tag. |
<CITE>...</CITE> | Italiczes text. |
<CODE>...</CODE> | Makes text appear in a monospace font. |
<COMMENT>...<COMMENT> | It's a comment. It is not displayed in the page but is visible in the HTML. |
...COMPACT | Used a lot with the <menu> tag, compact is an attribute that minimizes spaces between paragraphs of text in a list. |
<META...CONTENT="..."> | This is an attribute of the <meta tag. When used with the HTTP-EQUIV and REFRESH attributes sets how often an image url wil be refreshed, in seconds. |
...CONTROLS | this is an attribute of the <IMG> tag. CONTROLS directs the browser to display a group of navagation buttons below an AVI file or video clip. |
COORDS=... | This indicates the vector coordinates that are intended to be clickable in an image map. |
<CREDIT>...</CREDIT> | This tag is used to indicate credit for material included in a document. |
<DD>...</DD> | This tag is used for formatting a definition list. It displays a definition below the definition term. |
<DEL>...</DEL> | This allows you to delete stuff from being displayed but not from the code. |
<DFN>...</DFN> | This tag stands for: defining instance. DFN is good for defining terms with multiple definitions. |
<DIR>...</DIR> | DIR creates a list that is compact and has narow columns. |
...DISC | DISC is an attribute of the <LI> tag. Using the DISC attribute after the <LI> tag will add bullets to all of your unordered list. |
<DIV>...</DIV> | Divisions are a way to present entire paragraphs of text. |
<DL>...</DL> | This is a good way to display terms and definitions. |
<!DOCTYPE...> | This tells the server that the document is HTML. |
<DT>...</DT> | DT stands for definition term. Used in definition lists DT presents the terms. |
DYNSRC=... | DYNSCR stands for dynamic support. It is an attribute of the <IMG> tag. <DYNSCR> specifies the location of a video or AVI or VRML to be run in a window. |
<EM>...</EM> | <EM> stands for emphasis. Some browsers display text italiczed. Some display text italiczed and bold. |
<EMBED...> | The EMBED tag allows you to display a file and a user can edit the file. When a user clicks the file, the application on the users machine that the file corisponds to is launched. |
ENCTYPE... | The ENCTYPE attribute uploads a file to the server based on input from the user. |
<FIGURE>...</FIGURE> | Displays an image file. |
START=FILEOPEN | FILEOPEN is an attribute of the <IMG> tag. Used to play videos. |
<FONT>...</FONT> | FONT provides a way to customize how text is displayed. It gives you a way to set font type, size, and color. |
<FONT COLOR=...> | The color attribute sets the color of text. |
<FONT FACE=...> | This attribute allows you to pick what font to use. You can pick three so if the users machine does not have your first pick it may have the second or third. If none of the fonts are availiable the the defult is displayed. |
<FONT SIZE=...> | Set font size. |
<FORM>...</FORM> | Is used to collect inforation from the user. You can use check boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down lists to get information. |
<FRAME...> | This allows you to have multiple windows in a browser. |
<FRAME MARGINHEIGHT="..."> | Sets the height margins of a frame window. |
<FRAME MARGINWIDTH="..."> | Sets the width margins of a frame window. |
<FRAME NAME="..."> | Gives a frame a name for use elsewhere. |
<FRAME NORESIZE> | Locks the size of a frame. |
FRAME SCROLLING="..." | add or delete scrollbars. |
<FRAME SRC="..."> | Set the HTML document that you want displayed in the frame. |
<FRAMESET"..."> | is a place to add all the attributes of your frames. |
<FRAMESET ROWS="..."> | Determines the width of each frame in pixels. |
<FRAMESET COLS="..."> | Determines the height of each frame in pixels. |
<H1>...</H1> | Big text. |
<H2>...</H2> | Big text |
<H3>...</H3> | Medium text |
<H4>...</H4> | Medium text |
<H5>...</H5> | Small text |
<H6>...</H6> | Small text |
<HEAD>...</HEAD> | A part of the HTML document that contains information about the document. |
<HR> | Draws a horizontal line. |
<HREF...> | This tag precedes an address(link). |
HSPACE="..." | This attribute sets the space beside an object. |
<HTML>...</HTML> | These tags are the begining and end of a document. |
<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT=2> | refreshes a document periodically. |
<I>...</I> | Italics |
ID="..." | Sets an alias for a file or URL. |
<IMG=...> | Display an image |
...INFINITE | is a setting for the loop attribute. |
<INPUT"..."> | Sends information to the server. |
<INPUT SIZE"..."> | Set length of an input field. |
<ISINDEX"..."> | Displays a default message along with a text box for searching. |
<ISINDEX PROMPT="..."> | Set your own jmessage for searching. |
<ISINDEX ACTION="..."> | Sends the submitted text to a gateway program. |
ISMAP | Runs a server side script when a user clicks an image. |
<KBD>...</KBD> | Directs the browser to render specified text in a bold, fixed width font. This tag is used to exemplify a keyboard entry made by the user. |
<LANG>...</LANG> | indicates a different language than the main language. |
<LH>...</LH> | This is a header for a list. |
<LI> | This is a line item or list item. |
<LINK...> | Points to another document or a different spot in the current document. |
<LISTING>...</LISTING> | Renders text in a fixed-width font. |
<...LOOP=...> | do something over again like looping a sound. |
<...LOWSRC="..."> | Displays a low resolution image of another higher-overhead, higher resolution image. |
<MAP"..."></MAP> | sets hot spots for an image. |
<MAP AREA"..."></MAP> | Hot spot of an image. you can use different shapes. |
<MAP NAME"..."></MAP> | Name an image map. |
<MARQUEE>...</MARQUEE> | creates a scrolling text marquee. This is like a stock ticker. |
<INPUT MAXLENGTH="..."> | Sets the maximum length of text that can go inside a text box. |
<MENU>...</MENU> | Displays paragraphs as items on a list. |
<META "..."> | This goes in the <head> tags. It is used to indicate special instructions for the client browser of server. |
<FORM METHOD=...> | The Method attribute directs the browser in processing form information |
<...=MOUSEOVER> | directs the browser to do something on mouseover(event). |
<A HREF NAME="..."> | Link to a named link within the document or elsewhere. |
<NEXTID="..."> | This is a variable that can be assigned by an editor to reference a document. |
<NOBR>...</NOBR> | This prevents the browser from inserting a line break where word wraping is appropriate. |
<NOFRAMES>...</NOFRAMES> | The browser will display this only if the browser is not capable of rendering frames. |
<A HREF="..." NOHREF> | Directs the browser to exclude the named range from being clickable. |
<HR NOSHADE> | Draws a nonshaded line on a page. |
<NOTE>...</NOTE> | Displays a not caution or warning with text and graphics. |
<...NOWRAP...> | Turn off wraping. |
<...WRAP=OFF> | Turn off wraping in a text box. |
<OL>...</OL> | Ordered list. |
<OPTION>... | Set the options of a list box. |
<P>...</P> | Paragraph |
<PERSON>...</PERSON> | Denotes the name of a person. |
<...WRAP=PHYSICAL> | Wraps text at the physical limits of a text box. |
<PLAINTEXT>...<PLAINTEXT> | It displays text without formatting. |
<...METHOD="POST"> | Posts content of a form as a HTTP POST transaction to a URL. |
<PRE>...</PRE> | Pre stands for preformated text so the content is displayed as it was intended. |
<Q>...</Q> | Quotes |
<...="RECT"...> | Is an attribute of the <area shape> tag. It makes a rectangle clickable. |
<S>...</S> | Strike through text. |
<SAMP>...</SAMP> | Displays text in a smaller font. |
<SELECT...> | Constucts a drop-down list. |
<SELECT...SINGLE> | Constucts a drop-down list that you can only make one selection with. |
<SELECT...MULTIPLE> | Constucts a drop-down list that you can make multiple selections with. |
<SELECT NAME="...">...<SELECT> | Names a drop-down list box. |
<SELECT...SIZE="...">...<SELECT> | Select the size of a drop-down list boxes drop-down. |
<AREA SHAPE="RECT"...> | Shape is an attribute of the <area> tag. You can make many shapes clickable. |
<...SIZE="..."> | Font size. |
<SMALL>...</SMALL> | Small font. |
<SOUND SRC="..."> | MOSAIC. Plays a sound. (see background sound for IE) |
<...SQUARE> | Square bullet for a bulleted list. |
<...SRC="..."> | with SRC you can set the URL of a image. |
<STRIKE>...</STRIKE> | Strike through text. |
<STRONG>...</STRONG> | Bold. |
<SUB>...</SUB> | Subscript like This |
<SUP>...</SUP> | Superscript like This |
<TAB...> | Sets tabs at specified locations in text |
<TABLE>...</TABLE> | The table tag denotes the beginning and end of a table array. |
<TABLE ALIGN="..."> | Aligns the a table left, right, or centered. |
<TD>...</TD> | The table data goes inbetween these tags. |
<TD COLSPAN="..."> | The COLSPAN attribute indicates the number of cells adjacent and to the right that are to be combined into a single cell. |
<TD NOWRAP> | Prevents wrapping within a cell. |
<TD ROWSPAN="..."> | The rowspan attribute indicates the number of cells adjacent and below that are to be combined into a single cell. |
<TD WIDTH ="...> | The width attribute directs the client browser to display a table spanning a specified width of a table. |
<...TEXT="..."> | The text attribute displays text in the color you specify with a color name or a binary number |
<TEXTAREA...> | Creates a space in a form that accepts input from the user. |
<TH...> | Displays a table heading. |
<TH ALIGN="..."> | Determines how text is displayed in the table header. |
<TH COLSPAN="..."> | Specifies how many cells in columns are spanned by the header. |
<TH NOWRAP> | Turns text wrap off in the table header. |
<TH ROWSPAN="..."> | Specifies how many cells in rows are spanned by the table header. |
<THWIDTH="..."> | Specifies the width of a table header in pixels or percentage. |
<TITLE>...</TITLE> | This is the spot for a title for an HTML document. It is displayed in the title bar of most browsers. |
<...TOPMARGIN="..."> | Specifies margin space at the top of the page. |
<TR>...</TR> | Displays text inside a single table row. |
<TR ALIGN="..."> | Displays a table row left, right, or centered. |
<TT>...</TT> | Teletype or monospaced font. |
<U>...</U> | Underline |
<UL>...</UL> | Unordered bulleted list. |
<...URL="..."> | URL is an attribute of the <META> tag. It points to the pathname of an URL to be loaded after the content specified time has elapsed. |
<...USEMAP="..."> | an attribute of the <IMG> tag USEMAP directs the browser to utilize the specified client side image map. |
VALIGN="..." | an attribute of the <caption> tag VALIGN displays a table caption at the top, middle, or bottom of a table. |
VALUE="..." | The VALUE attribute directs the browser to use the spcified number as the first item on an ordered list or a list item. |
<VAR>...</VAR> | a little bit smaller text. |
<...WRAP=VIRTUAL> | Displays user input using word wrapping, but sends that text to the server using one line. |
<BODY VLINK="..."> | Displays visited links in a set color. |
VSPACE="..." | Sets the clear area above and below an image or marquee. |
<WBR>...</WBR> | Word Break directs the browser to break a specified line of text even if the text has line breaking disabled. |
WRAP="..." | Wraps text. |
Newark, Ohio (740)
281-0671 |
Williams Computer Consulting